Title of work: Piyomaru T-BASE Limited Color
Selling price including tax: ¥18,000
“BABY FORCE” is a creative project with a baby motif that Yuki Kubo began around 2021.
YUKIKUBO / Yuki Kubo
Freelance CG designer.
In 2023, the 3D animation work “BABY FORCE” won an award and got screened at the Ottawa International Animation Festival, one of the world’s three largest animation festivals.
In 2024, he started selling soft vinyl figures of the characters from “BABY FORCE.”
ERI SHIMOJOU / Eri Shimojou
Former nurse. Currently, she is independent and lives freely.
Her favorite animals are marmots and prairie dogs.
Piyomaru T-BASE Limited Color
Sales price including tax: ¥18,000